
Showing posts from 2022

New, New opportunity.

 We can't reset the past, but oftentimes we wake up with opportunities to NOT relive it. This is dependent on your ability to move forward, learn, exercise perseverance, and discipline. The past should merely be a reflection tool to continue to drive you forward towards your peace. The person who dwells on what could have been is the same person who stays stuck in mud.


 What are you grateful for ? What do you look forward to ? What do you appreciate most when things have gone to hell? Remember these questions when things go wrong. The discipline you’ve developed and the motivation you have to answer these questions is what will lead you out of despair.


 Take pride in who you are, what you do, and what you have. If you do not like any of the above, change it. Challenge yourself to be and do better. Actively work towards what you know will change your life for the better. No one is responsible for you and it is merely a privilege when someone shares in positive energy with you or actively works to motivate you. Take control of who you are.


 You’re in control of your life, destiny , goals , happiness. No one can take what’s yours. Do not succumb to the negative influence of others regardless of who they are and their status. Your circle should be encouraging sacrifice , hard work, and independence. Because you cannot rely on anyone else , you have to be the reason why what you want is attained. 

The warrior within

Inside of every person there is a warrior yearning to get out. Let that person out . People have this false sense of reality that a warrior is someone who is well rested , mentally and physically pristine when in fact that is not the case . The warrior is tired , he or She is mentally  and physically broken sometimes , he or she is hungry and wants to sometimes quit , but they remember their discipline and keep pushing forward. Pushing forward is what greatness is. Let the warrior within thrive.

If you're going to cry..

 Cry while grinding, cry while working through the pain, cry, but don't stop what you're doing. Mental and physical pain sucks, but it one may barriers in life designed to hold you back from your goal. The warrior conquers his or her pain and pushes forward. The warrior cries, but never stops what they are doing. The warrior is still hungry for success, still applies discipline, and cries all the way to their reward. Do not be fooled by tears, they are not your friend. As a wise man once said, don't cry to stop, you are already in pain; get a reward from it.

What’s your plan to do better ?

 Is it sitting down and complaining or is it taking action regardless of the circumstances. That’s the difference between a warrior and a victim. A victim accepts their circumstances and warrior sees a way out. Channel your anger , your rage, your pain at what you’re dealing with and use that to muster the energy and courage to do better than yesterday. Remember that your victory is not determined by a win, but by your progress towards your goal .

Never be afraid to ask for help

 It’s okay to reach out to your peers , family, and friends for help. Do not rely on these people , but two into what they know to learn from them.

Victory is not permanent

  One accomplishment does not mens the job is done , it means that you have what it takes to succeed. The world is a freight train and you will get left behind if you remain static. Celebrate in the moment , but immediately recover and keep that same discipline you needed to accomplish that aforementioned goal and keep it pushing because there is plenty of more for  you to do and achieve.


 You are so much physically and mentally stronger than you know. When you think you’re at the brick wall, do not stop. Organize yourself , your thoughts and figure out a way to plow through that wall because on the other side is where your glory is waiting.

Experience life

 If you want to do something , do it. Rely on yourself for fun, your goals , and the feeling of being content .

What’s promised today , isn’t tomorrow

 Create new opportunities for yourself daily and never become complacent.

Never forget about yourself

 Before you can give to others, you must be physically and mentally fit . A broken or hurting man or woman cannot mend someone else with further damaging themselves.  Never neglect yourself and view your health  as a standard of gold.

Just remember

 Motivation is a facade. When you rely on motivation and that  fails , what will you do? Say you’re done ? Quit ? That’s what happens to most because of their crippling reliance on motivation. What matters is discipline  and dedication. Discipline is what you need to carry on when your tank is on E. It’s that driving force that continues to excel you forward when you’re alone. It’s the driving force that separates you from those who quit.

The world is yours

Never allow yourself to believe that you are not that thing or someone who isn't capable of more than what you have more. Inside of you , there is a warrior yearning to get out and be set free. That warrior in you will elevate you to new heights, new places, new opportunities, and a new mindset. Fear having fear of success, not fear of the unknown.

Today is a new day

 Live for today. Live for your future. Don’t live or dwell on your past , rather , use it to tap into as a resource to learn and grow. Nothing is to be gained by trying to mirror your past , sulking, and wondering why this or that didn’t happen. Live , learn , and move forward.

Do not rely on anyone but yourself

It is an absolute blessing to be in the company of friends, family, peers, and those who you think may care about you. However, the reliance on these people can be crippling to your level of discipline, your opportunities, and freedom. Your ability to seek what you want in both your professional or personal life should not be dependent on someone's else availability, but rather your own. How long will you wait before you tell yourself to pursue this or that long after the aforementioned have not made themselves available for such pursuits. Go do what YOU want to do. Go visit that place, go enjoy that party, have that drink, have that meal at that restaurant, go workout alone, etc do not attach your motivation to other people's motivation level.

Never quitting.

No one is going to do it for you . No one is going to wake you up , no one is going to set your alarm , tell you to wake up early or sleep in the name of sacrifice. No one but YOU is going to save you. Inside of every human there  is a warrior yearning to be let free. To rid yourself of you and set free your inner warrior you need to never give up on your dreams , hopes, aspirations , or  anything that you know will define you as a great individual. Never giving up means putting in the time and effort . Nothing in life has ever come easy and will not come easy . Be weary of the quality of someone or something  that comes east , and accept then challenge of that which is not. 

Seize the day/ Seize the moment.

Fear is okay, what is not okay is allowing this same fear to hold you back from your goals or desire. Throw yourself into the fire and watch as you are shed of what you thought was permanent fear. Watch as you elevate to a new physical and mental mindset that excels you beyond what you ever thought you could be or do in life.

Do you have any favorite words?

 Feel free to comment so!

Words make me happy.

 Understanding language , it’s meaning, usage; being able to insert myself into conversations and explore my use of words people don’t often use is what drives me to continue my education of words.

How education worked in my favor

I grew up poor. An inner city kid trapped in place by his surroundings which included drugs and violence as a byproduct of gangs and low socioeconomic status.  A product of a single mother; I watched as my mother struggled to raise my sister and I. I watched as she broke her back to provide what little she could. In the midst of it all, my mother kept hope alive by promising a world of freedom from the surrounding disparity, but only through hard and education. She promised that if she could go back to school, she would show my sister a way out of our own personal hell. My mother, only a high school graduate and with two children, enrolled back in school at a local community college. She worked, she studied, she managed care for my sister and I and there it was! She did it, she received her college degree. A 1st generation college student graduate all in one.