How education worked in my favor

I grew up poor.

An inner city kid trapped in place by his surroundings which included drugs and violence as a byproduct of gangs and low socioeconomic status. 

A product of a single mother; I watched as my mother struggled to raise my sister and I. I watched as she broke her back to provide what little she could. In the midst of it all, my mother kept hope alive by promising a world of freedom from the surrounding disparity, but only through hard and education. She promised that if she could go back to school, she would show my sister a way out of our own personal hell. My mother, only a high school graduate and with two children, enrolled back in school at a local community college. She worked, she studied, she managed care for my sister and I and there it was! She did it, she received her college degree. A 1st generation college student graduate all in one.


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